Suds, suds, suds! Our customers often ask, “What soap should I use now that my investment is protected?” Choosing the right car soap can be a big deal. The answer is automotive soap. Similarly to when we are choosing a tire cleaner, our main goal is not to use something that could cause damage to your car.
Tips & Tricks
What’s the Best Way to Clean Leather Interiors?
Let’s talk leather! Leather can be beautiful if you take care of it the proper way. Having clean leather adds resale value to the car and keeps the new car smell around longer. Leather can be easier to clean than cloth and harder to stain, but it has to be taken care of.
How to Choose the Best Wheel Cleaner for Your Car
Have you been wanting to clean your tires but are afraid to use the wrong wheel cleaner? In this case, it could be wise to wait because the wrong wheel cleaner could be damaging. Don’t take the risk of harming your wheels!
Should I Use a Brush to Wash My Car?
We all want to know what the best products are for washing our car. We don’t want to waste time, and we don’t want to damage our vehicle. In this post, we will go over tools that can do a better job than a brush.
When is it Best to Clean Your Glass?
Do you get frustrated when you’re trying to clean your windshield and it never looks perfect? You may have wondered when the best time to clean your glass is. You want the most comfortable experience to make your windshield look its best. We will go over the conditions that are best for cleaning your glass and washing your car so you feel confident that you are truly taking care of your investment.