Safe Windshield Bug Removal

by | May 8, 2019

It’s lovebug season again! Are you ready?

Lovebug season comes around twice a year. These bugs can easily cover windshields. This can tempt us to do anything to remove them, but be careful! Though these bugs can make our windshields hard to see out of, it would be worse to make permanent scratches.



When these bugs come out of the ground, they do so for mating and to feed on nectar. They can seem like they are just everywhere for about 5 weeks. They collect on windshields because they are attracted to the fumes from our cars and the heat. If left on your car too long, they can eat through the finish and cause permanent damage.


Safe Bug Removal From Windshield | TC's Mobile Detailing | Lakeland Florida | Outshine The Rest

Careful Removal

The Best Way to Remove Bugs from Your Windshield. You will want to be careful trying to remove them yourself. Many customers have told us that they have used kitchen utensils like sponges and scrub pads that they clean dishes with. It is all about having the right product to do the job. If you use a brillo pad or a ball of steel wool, you will get the bugs off, but you take a huge risk in permanently etching the glass. Once this happens, the sunlight catches in them and illuminates the etches making it harder to see out of. This can make driving dangerous. With the product we use, we just spray it on, let it soak in, and wipe it off. It is that easy to get the glass crystal clear again, without the risk of scratches. Let the product do all the work!


The Best Way

It is much cheaper to have your windshield cleaned properly using the right product, then it is to eventually have to replace it because of lowered visibility. When lovebug season comes around, try getting a full detail to get your glass cleaned. Have a professional clean and protect your glass for easy maintenance in-between your details with a glass and window coating.

TC's Mobile Detailing

It’s our mission to provide top notch detailing services to central Florida and surrounding areas.


(863) 220-2977
